The Power of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy
Written by Therapist Michaelah Robinson
Ever wondered what Equine Assisted Psychotherapy is? Curious to learn more?
Hi, I am Michaelah Robinson, RP, and Equine Assisted Psychotherapy facilitator, and I want to share my thoughts on the uniqueness of EAP!
The Equine Enhancement of Psychotherapy
While the mind-body connection is becoming increasingly recognized and accessible through modern psychotherapy, it is an innate aspect of humans that can be clouded by the stress of daily life expectations. Horses, who are well-tended physically and emotionally, embody an exceptional level of attunement with themselves and one another that also extends to humans in their presence. In the therapeutic setting, the incorporation of horses quickly establishes the capacity for deep internal reflection for many clients. The horse shares the spotlight of attention, and this division of focus can be helpful in both building trust and creating space for clients to find relaxation in the moment, and comfort in reaching the depths of meaningful psychotherapeutic work.
Horses do not mask or manipulate; instead, they constantly show up in their own authentic energy, which has the beautiful potential to offer substantial insight into other areas of human life through their responses to shifts in energy around them. Awareness is often noted as the most critical step in making change. Horses respond to our presence authentically, presenting immediate feedback to the slightest shifts in energy. They are known for the significant electromagnetic strength of their hearts, their ability to sensitively sync heart rhythms with other horses and people, and their aptitude for co-regulating their nervous systems with others. The most effective learning frequently takes place experientially through exposure to strong examples and subsequent co-creation. Like humans, horses have their own needs, tendencies, inherent traits, and developed personalities. Like humans, horses can learn to make significant changes in their lives with understanding and encouragement. Recognizing emotional safety within the nervous system creates a grounding effect, supports intentional decision-making, and reduces anxiety.
The healing and supportive power of the therapeutic relationship between therapist and client is enriched by the presence of the horse. Horses provide an additional point of collaboration, offer a fresh avenue of co-creation, and enrich clients’ innate ability to disentangle seemingly unmanageable problems and move forward in a purposeful way that aligns with who they are in life. Anecdotal evidence suggests that equine-assisted work is highly effective for anxiety, depression, relational issues, self-discovery, life transitions, and ADHD, among other presentations. It is applicable for children, youth, and adults, with significant impact for anyone who may be unsure of how to verbalize their experiences.
Interested in giving Equine Assisted Psychotherapy a try? Michaelah’s farm is located in Linwood, Ontario, and she is taking new clients in person!
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